2. Actions panel

The action panel contains buttons, combo boxes and input field (layout depends by configuration) used to do operations this connected device.

Buttons and fields are disabled if the hardware is not found.

Update firmware

Starts the upload of the selected firmware. If application is found on device, it will be rebooted to enable upload.

If there is no device connected, a countdown will start to wait it.

After upload, device will be rebooted to check the firmware type.

If the parameter file is present into jar; the program load the values to hardware automatically.

Restore values

If device is connected whit a valid firmware (application found), is possible to upload a set of values.

Clicking this button a File Dialog appers in order to choose the values file to load.

If variables are missing (in file or on device) it is shown in the message box.

Save values

Clicking this button all the retain variable on connected device will be downloaded into a TXT file.

If device is connected whit a valid firmware (application found), a file dialog appears to choose the destination file.


Cancel the current operation. Pressing it when upload is in progress, the firmware on device will be corrupted.

Combobox Serial ports

When selected Upload type is SERIAL, this combobox appears. If the PC has only one serial port connected, it will be choose by default. If the system has more than one port, no one is selected. The user has to choose which one use.

Combobox Socket addresses

If the Upload type is ETH, the socket addresses combo is shown. On startup, the system use a discovery protocol to find all the devices connected in the same network. If no one is found, check for network configuration. (Ethernet and WIFI connection can be on different subnet).

Is possible to insert manually ip address and port. If the socket address is valid, the DeviceLoader try to connect to specified device.


Used to refresh Serial port list (SERIAL) or launch the discovery protocol (ETH).

Combobox Select variable

If DeviceLoader is configured to set a single value, this combobox is shown. It allows user to select a variable and read/write value. When a variable is selected, its value is loaded into the input field on the right.

If the selected item is a file to upload, a file dialog will appears.

Input field value

Once selected a variable from combobox, the value read from device will shown here. Is possible to change it and send the new value to device.

Set value

Send the value present in the input field to the device, in order to update a single variable.

Application status label

Shows the connection/device status. It has different colors to help user to know the device status.


The system is trying to coonect to device (Black on orange).

Application found

An application is on device, but not recognized (Black on green).

Firmware version

Application found and recognized (black on green).

Application not found

Device is disconnected after application found (White on red).

Invalid address:port

The type socket address is in a wrong format (White on red).

Connect timed out

No response from selected socket address (White on red).

Post loader

The socket response has only the Post loader uploaded (Black on yellow).

Waiting configuration

The socket response has the application, but non running because there is no values loaded (Black on orange).